Jer Father’s Day
I couldn’t ask for a better man to be the father of my children. Here he is today playing a board game (F’s idea of course) which W won.

Jer has always been so excited for fatherhood. Every night when the kids were babies, he would sneak them back into our bed from their cribs because he just missed them that much after being away at work all day and that was how he could spend time with them. Nowadays he still gives them goodnight hugs, kisses, and cuddles every night. If he’s missing from our bed in the middle of the night, I often find him asleep holding W or taking care of our child who is sick.
He would take each of the kids on side adventures for gummy bears or soda at the gas station, for no reason other than to treat them out and hang with them. He’s taken each of them fishing, answered their Knock Knock jokes, and teased them in good fun. They have each learned how to bike from him as well! His patience, child development and teaching skills, and experience with healthy relationships have made him an amazing partner in parenting. I so appreciate how hard he works and how involved he is in our family!
Today he gave each of our children a Father’s Blessing. They each received meaningful words of love, counsel, support, and comfort from their father. We were all hugging each other at the end, just so full of gratitude to have one another. Jer keeps us all in one piece. I love him so much.