March Moments

At the beginning of March, our world stopped when we received the news that our little nephew passed away. We mourned together. Having the annual St. Patrick’s Day party seemed obtuse when we just needed to cry, so we canceled and attended the funeral out of state. I realized the nothingness of compote bowls and candlesticks and everything I had spent so much time on. What do I want to spend time on? I’m in this experience of Life right now—the fleeting moments with my kids and husband, the things they are excited about and want to talk with me about, and share… So this post is some of these random yet meaningful (to me) snapshots from the last month that I want to hold in my heart.

Off to Neverland!

L and I watched our first ballet together! Peter Pan at the Covey Center for the Arts. I smiled so much, my favorite scene was of them flying for the first time. Loved the music, artistry, and comedy. L got all dressed up in her favorite dress and wore her new shoes. She laughed so much and held my hand. We got to have some gourmet cookies as a treat afterwards; we both chose mint chocolate chip with a little dollop of whipped cream on top.
Knock Knock
It’s now the age of Knock-Knock jokes and Rock Paper Scissors for these boys. We got plenty of those while F was home with the stomach flu and W was home with a cold.
W: Knock knock!
F: Who’s there?
W: Hulk!
F: Hulk Who?
W: Gladly, it’s pizza!
W’s jokes are always about pizza!
Favorite Book Costumes

The first week in March was “Read Across America Week” with lots of school spirit days. My kids are so excited about reading and stories—F has even claimed that his body can’t sleep unless he has a bedtime story, and has cried on several late nights if we’ve tried to skip it.
On Dress as your Favorite Book Character Day, I woke up extra early to help the boys with their costumes that we planned out the night before: W as The Itsy Bitsy Spider, and F as Pete the Cat! Just a bit of colored paper and tape in a pinch.
Books and Buddies
I got to cuddle and giggle with my boys as we read F’s comic book about superhero dogs during a “Books And Buddies” event at school. The boys were so excited to wear their pajamas all day, and to enjoy donuts before class!

Foot Massages
Inspired by watching a Curious George movie, the boys constructed a “Foot Massage” station with a “Kids Only” sign, and invited us adults to massage their feet 🤣 Jer worked on W who loved every second, and I worked on F who was a little ticklish. Their massage station included reading material, hand massagers / rollers for aching hands, a console for their Pokémon cards, and lotion.

Student of the Week
It was W’s week at school where he got to share his All About Me poster, and each day bring something to school for Show and Tell for the last 5 minutes of class. He really wanted to bring Roxy our dog, but I wasn’t sure if that was allowed so after we cleared it with his teacher I made a special trip to his classroom on his last day.

First Soccer Game of the Season

L’s team did really well on their first game, and all the extra practice seems to be helping. We keep getting the season pushed further out from weather and snow still coming. L and her brothers still love playing soccer in our yard, though! She is more confident and even made some assists for the goals.