Summer Diaries
Day 11 of Single Parenthood during Jer’s trip to school across the country working on his Master’s program. I’ve regressed into my survival state as a Night Owl. This is going to be…
Springtime Happenings 2022
Here are a few notable recent happenings: Soccer Girl L’s confidence grew so much during this season even if it was the shortest one she’s had. The coach had practice every week and…
10 Reasons to Become a Soccer Mom
Soccer season is almost here, and I’ll soon have 3 kids ages 4-10 on the field having games 4 days a week! It’s crazy, but I love it!! Jeremy filled my head with…
February Family Updates
Roses are red,Violets are blue,Turns out most of my recent photos Are of the dog and guess who! 😆 Let’s check out some highlights for the Family Updates… The Tween One L is…
A Year of Mother-Daughter Dates
My daughter’s Love Language is quality time. I wanted a unique way to gift her personal experiences because that’s what she values. This year we wrote to each other in a Mother-Daughter journal,…
Mommy Tantrum
I feel so much all the time, and can’t seem to get my emotions under control. My thoughts spiral out until I physically would have to run away to a quiet place where…
Thankfulness In Quarantine
Staying Positive When Covid-Positive Jer’s intense headache turned into his worst flu ever, resulting in his first sick days off from work in 8yrs teaching. He tested positive for COVID-19 two days later,…
Must Love Dogs: Meet Our Adopted Yorkie
How To Lose Your Anti-Dog-ness In 5 Days… Day 1: Call Your Mother.“Hi Mom! What do the kids want for Christmas? Well, Fletch asked for a dog. A real one—not a stuffy, robot,…
6 Things I Tried for a Potty Training Breakthrough!
My last kid is potty trained!!!! YES!!!! I am one happy Mama. No more diapers!!!! Just an independent little boy who’s so proud to be in underwear while on his new pirate adventures…
10 Reasons Why I Love Summer
My husband and I have this ongoing debate. I LOVE SUMMER. He hates the heat, though, hahahaha!! We’ll muse about where we want to retire or where we’d like to settle when we’re…