• Adventures

    Mother Daughter Date: Archery

    We had so much fun shooting zombies, Big Foot, Carnivorous animals charging at us, and (according to my 11-year-old) “randomly” getting Bullseye more than once. The helper determined that I would have a…

  • Adventures,  Kids

    End of School Year 2023

    It’s a wonderful time to be a parent. The last weeks of school get hectic with end of year testing, graduation, performances, School Days, and grading. Jeremy says this is the best time…

  • Adventures,  Kids

    Mother-Daughter Date: Scavenger Hunt

    We had an amazing time on our Scavenger Hunt!! This was our April Mother-Daughter Date. I purchased a “choose your adventure” digital version called “Roam the Riverwoods”. We learned some random stuff, practiced…

  • Kids

    February Family Updates 2023

    Kids have been doing sleepovers every weekend together in the camping tent that we haven’t taken down in the basement 😆 Last night I found them piled together on the nugget couch, feet…

  • Kids,  Personal

    Lily’s First Temple Trip

    “I love to see the temple, I’m going there someday…” Our first time with L at the Payson Temple was over seven years ago when they had just completed building, and invited the…

  • Adventures,  Kids

    First Summer Camp

    What an adventure for our daughter L! Her school district offered a summer camp for 5th graders, so we talked with some of her friends in the neighborhood from school and they all…