Work From Home + School + Soccer
This has been such an eventful month! Back to School L is our amazing Middle Schooler who started 7th grade! She is taking Orchestra, Drama, and College and Career Awareness in addition to…
Mother Daughter Date: Archery
We had so much fun shooting zombies, Big Foot, Carnivorous animals charging at us, and (according to my 11-year-old) “randomly” getting Bullseye more than once. The helper determined that I would have a…
End of School Year 2023
It’s a wonderful time to be a parent. The last weeks of school get hectic with end of year testing, graduation, performances, School Days, and grading. Jeremy says this is the best time…
Mother-Daughter Date: Scavenger Hunt
We had an amazing time on our Scavenger Hunt!! This was our April Mother-Daughter Date. I purchased a “choose your adventure” digital version called “Roam the Riverwoods”. We learned some random stuff, practiced…
February Family Updates 2023
Kids have been doing sleepovers every weekend together in the camping tent that we haven’t taken down in the basement 😆 Last night I found them piled together on the nugget couch, feet…
I Love Karaoke Mother-Daughter Date
We stayed up super late on a school night for our Mother-Daughter date in January: Karaoke! She rocked it and we had the time of our lives singing really loud to a big…
Lily’s First Temple Trip
“I love to see the temple, I’m going there someday…” Our first time with L at the Payson Temple was over seven years ago when they had just completed building, and invited the…
Mother-Daughter Dates: Summer Fun and Games
Here’s the latest from our Year of Dates (the gift that keeps on giving all year long)! We also had an Afternoon Tea date during our birthday month. Baking Wish I got photos…
Mother-Daughter Date: Afternoon Tea
We’re more than halfway through on our Year of Mother-Daughter Dates, and this girl has been thriving with one-on-one activities. We have had so much fun together, and I have loved spending time…
First Summer Camp
What an adventure for our daughter L! Her school district offered a summer camp for 5th graders, so we talked with some of her friends in the neighborhood from school and they all…