• Personal

    Dog Days of January

    This week it’s been a consistent early morning flurry getting the dog out to potty—1am, 2am, 5am. The poor dog seems to be having stress induced colitis again. I’m a walking zombie, and…

  • Personal

    Roxy’s Favorite Things

    It’s Roxy’s 5th birthday today! She’s now had more birthdays with us than when we got her. Our dog will be the same age that I am turning this year (36)! To celebrate,…

  • Personal

    Roxy Recovering

    Miss Roxy got groomed on Tuesday. She enjoys short hair even in winter since she loves being outside and it’s easier to go on walks when burrs, dirt, and clumps of snow don’t…

  • Personal

    Kat’s 10 Ways to Survive Winter

    Winter is here again! Is this becoming a yearly tradition of coming up with ways to beat S.A.D.? See previous years here and here. Usually when I think of “surviving winter” I’m thinking…

  • Personal

    October Everyday Moments

    A little bit of lately 🎃 F asked me to play a game with him, and this day I made time. I had planned an easy nutritious meal and prepared it early enough…

  • Personal

    Mother’s Day + Roxy’s 4

    One of my favorite days of the year! I felt so loved with all the acts of service. Our plans to go hiking fell through with the weather. Jer told me I wasn’t…

  • Adventures,  Kids

    Springtime Happenings 2022

    Here are a few notable recent happenings: Soccer Girl L’s confidence grew so much during this season even if it was the shortest one she’s had. The coach had practice every week and…