Thanksgiving in Idaho
Search for a Tree
We’re going on a Tree hunt, we’re gonna catch a big one…
Our Thanksgiving was spent in Idaho visiting Jer’s Mom and her husband Mark at their new home for the first time. Mark is a retired ranger and offered to show us where the good Christmas trees are, so we followed them for an adventure in the snowy woods and bought a Caribou-Targhee National Forest Christmas Tree Permit.

I had a great time checking out trees, but I think the kids lost patience waiting around in the cold. The snow was thick where we were looking, past their boots so we had them stay back. Roxy was out so long that she started shivering by the end. W’s toes were super cold since he wore cotton socks instead of wool. Even F wanted to turn back after we had followed their Grandma around for an hour. The boys did end up getting sick, so I do wish I had been more prepared for snow in this area.

My husband is getting so skinny?! He has so much energy and optimism outside in the snow; I could see him in his element in the mountains. I was helping his Mom find her tree, so he was left to find and chop down ours with Mark. I thought he did a great job choosing one that would fit below our ceiling since it’s difficult to eyeball the measurements out in the forest.

Thanksgiving Festivities

Thanksgiving dinner was delicious! Jer’s Mom showed us a cranberry bread from Costco that was addicting. We spread some of my homemade cranberry sauce on it for a cranberry explosion. After Jer’s brother/wife arrived, we got to talk and laugh our guts out watching the movie Love Hard until the late hours. I took Roxy on a late night walk since she was confined to the garage the whole trip.

We visited the property they hoped to build a home on, and also got to feed their horses, which had grown thick coats for the cold weather. In the above pic, W is teasing me after I told him NOT to touch the electric fence or he’d get a nasty shock…