Yo Ho Ho Halloween
W looks forward to trick or treating on Halloween all year! Our neighborhood is awesome with dressing up, decorating, and making a big deal out of Halloween. The first home we went to had giant balloon arches set up, had chairs and tables on their lawn for neighbors to come and eat, and were passing out Hot Dogs for their Halloween treat instead of candy! We were able to have dinner there before they filled up on candy haha. The kids had a blast running into friends and having things jump at them.
This year W was a pirate captain complete with a fancy jacket, hat, sword, and boots. Thank you to my parents who gifted him his favorite costume ever! He has loved being a pirate since before his epic pirate birthday at their home last year. It’s a perfect costume to layer warm sweatshirts and jeans under for the colder weather, which is what we did for this chilly night.

“You have the Grim!”
L had so much fun getting her Nerd on with her giant glasses as Divinations Professor Trelawney, the misfiring fortune teller teacher in her favorite book series Harry Potter. We braided her hair and put lots of hairspray in it to try to make it big and pouffy like in the movie. She had a blast taking photos so we could send some memes to friends and family, but at school she also answered to Gypsy, Hippie, and Homeless…

F dressed as the orange Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Michelangelo. He loved his homemade costume, especially using his orange nunchucks! I’m glad he can wear it for a long time to come and that he’s already finding other uses for his shell like pretend to be a tortoise and play zoo with his siblings.
My costume was a happy accident, as I had just cut my hair and wore red lipstick while buying two dresses. I got a look at them in the mirror when I came home and thought, “Hmm, this looks like a costume…” I love the chances I get to dress up for Halloween as we don’t get to Disneybound much as it’s been a long while since we’ve visited the parks.

Jer only got to wear his swashbuckling outfit during the Trunk or Treat, and passed out candy at our door in his pjs while I took the kids around the neighborhood until it got too late. He wanted to match our sweet pirate captain son.
Neighborhood Trick or Treating