Family Photos & Bios 2024
See the Year in Review here.
About Our Family This Year
This summer we enjoyed 2 big fun filled family reunions with loved ones (here and here). We had memorable camping trips, Yellowstone National Park adventures, birthdays, special times together. And questionable decisions—the year we bought a vacuum from a door-to-door salesman, lol. Jeremy and Kat celebrated 15 years of our happily ever after.

L – 13 years old.
- Loves: listening to music, dancing to music, singing music, performing music in a group
- Really Likes: reading twisted fairytales, playing soccer, hanging with friends at the library, eating chorizo, Dad’s and Mom’s food, Roxy
- This year she: got her braces off, grew taller than Mom, got into Emo music, played viola in the PJHS Orchestra, took a sewing class, cut her hair by over 12 inches, went to Girls Camp, babysat for neighbors

F – 9 years old.
- Loves: Playing, school, discovering, dancing, Star Wars, Pokemon, soccer, board games, graphic novels like Wings of Fire, snacking on bananas
- This year he: won at soccer season, learned so much playing piano and performed Christmas songs on a baby grand, learned how to divide, built rockets like Walker did, tied with the adults at soccer, took swimming lessons, enjoyed playing video games with brother, made videos on how to take care of his new bearded dragon

W – 7 years old.
- Loves: Dad, Plants vs. Zombies, My Little Universe video game, History (WWI, WWII, the War of 1812), Ironclads, building Legos and Magnet Tiles, Star Wars Clone Wars
- This year he: won a trophy as a defender in soccer, lost his first tooth, built a Star Wars ATTE-Walker with legos, launched and built paper rocket jets, did his homework faithfully every day and got way past his grade level at reading/math

Jer –
- Loves: dutch oven cooking, hot peppers and sauces, trying new activities with the kids (board games, pickleball, reptile care and handling, Pokémon cards, video games, read-alouds, and more), reading sci-fi paperbacks, outdoor adventures
- This year he: was Super-Dad during Kat’s months-long recoveries, got elected to and served as Precinct Captain for our political party, started running and a new diet, traded wrestling season for family time like attending the kids’ performances, oversaw the new Typewriter Club at SHHS, learned how to bake sourdough bread, applied for and got a collaborative study in Boston next year on the founding fathers
Kat –
- Loves: lazy days, reading a good book, running, hiking, conversation over tea, going to the temple, breakfast foods, flowers, a job well done, puzzles, sunshine
- This year she: sewed her first quilt, read 75+ books, finally can say “wanna know how I got these scars?” (no more eBikes downhill for me lol), took an Emotional Resilience class, served in the Relief Society presidency at church, took over 10K photos

Roxy – 37 dog years.
- Loves: treats, walks, pets, cuddles, eggs, soft blankets, riding in the car with the window down, giving puppy dog eyes
- This year she: survived a dog bite, got anti-anxiety meds, stayed at a dog kennel for her first time, decided we’re not the boss of her (except for Jeremy)
Family Photos
We didn’t get official family photos this year, but we’ve taken many during our trips! Enjoy vicariously hanging with us below.

So many good things this year and coming closer to our Savior in our challenges of illness, e-bike accident, school lockdowns, health/financial questions, and facing mortality. The ups and downs seem to go together.
Love, Lloyds