My Quarantine Bucket List
Today felt pretty special. My husband took the boys outside for scooters and skateboarding while my daughter L and I had a tea party with friends over Zoom. The girls bonded over their stuffies/dollies that attended, their favorite book series, showed each other their rock collections, and of course Harry Potter. We shared about our favorite treats, and what we’re most looking forward to when things come back to normal. I can’t wait to go on a dinner-and-movie date night out with my husband.
L and I were able to bake some delicious applesauce muffins distraction-free! That one-on-one time was so meaningful with my daughter. She’s growing into such a smart and kind young lady, and doesn’t mind that I put in 3x the amount of cinnamon. We shared a spoonful of brown sugar afterward since we couldn’t lick the bowl clean because the batter had raw egg in it. We went for a 2nd round of tea to taste the muffins with Daddy once the boys went down for a nap. They were a huge hit! Next time definitely making a double-batch! Then we sat on the couch and read a chapter from the illustrated 3rd Harry Potter book together. It’s a tradition we started at Christmas and look forward to experiencing together for the first time since none of us have read it before.
L also got to have a play-date over Zoom with her dear friend. I could hear their giggling and laughter from the door, and it turned out she had changed back into her fancy dress and they were having a tea party over FaceTime.
Things are kind of action packed and I’m exhausted daily, so I’m not looking for more things to do, but here’s what I’d like to do during this time of quarantine / self-isolation:
- Learn how to quilt.
- Family slideshow video for birthdays.
- Go paperless.
- Read a book for FUN.
- Grow a plant.